CDM Regulations

The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) now replace the 2007 CDM regulations and in doing so replaces the role of a CDM co-ordinator with a number of roles responsible for the management of the regulations, most importantly; Client, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor. The newly revised legislation places responsibility on all parties associated with design and construction work, to ensure all known and relevant information is given to all involved in the project and that if possible design is used to eliminate risk.

As a domestic client the majority of the CDM duties associated with a project are fulfilled by the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor, however there are now a number of key tasks the client is required to carry out in order to fully comply with the updated regulations. In summary these are; the formal appointment of a Principal Designer and Principal Contractor, providing all known existing information and ensuring others fulfil their key roles during the project.

Throughout the design stages of a project the majority of the responsibility falls upon the appointed Principal Designer who is required to plan, manage and monitor health & safety during the pre-construction phase of the project and must be someone directly involved in all design stages of the scheme. We at TWD therefore believe it is an ideal and integrated fit with our architectural services and offer a complete and fully compliant CDM 2015 package as well as guidance for clients throughout every stage of their scheme.